Kasol – Guide For 1st Timers, Best Time to Visit, Places & Budget Plans

Himachal Pradesh is one of the best places to visit in India. If you have any idea about Himachal Pradesh, then mostly you would've heard about Kasol as well. In case if you haven't, don't worry. We're going to cover everything detailed about Kasol...

Digital Nomad Visa for Indians- List of Countries Issuing Nomad Visas

Digital Nomad Visa for Indians: Remote employment is perhaps one of the very few positive effects this pandemic has had on our lives. In order to accommodate people's lives, businesses everywhere have adjusted their working methods. And now, nations are adapting as well. The newest...

Guide To Research a Travel Destination Before Visiting

Research a Travel Destination: There are a lot of decisions to make when planning a trip, from what type of accommodation you want, to what activities you'll do, and even what food you'll eat. But one of the most important decisions is deciding where...

9+ Effective Ways to Make Money While Travelling

Do you love to travel but worry about the cost? Are you looking for ways to make money while travelling? If so, you're in luck! In this blog post, we will share some tips and tricks on how to make money by traveling. We'll...

Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Himachal Pradesh During Winter

Places to Visit in Himachal Pradesh During Winter: Himachal Pradesh is famous for it's scenic beauty and picturesque landscapes. The Winter season in Himachal Pradesh brings snowfall to the region and makes for an amazing landscape to explore. Snow adds an extra shine and beauty...

Must Try Street Food & Restaurants to Visit in Dehradun

Hello again, This is a piece for all the foodies out there who wander not for places but for food. Today we are going to take you, the ever-hungry foodie through the streets of Dehradun and tell you about the 5 places that you...

Places to Visit in Gokarna, Things to Do, Best Time to Visit

Hello and welcome to another one of our tales here at TalesOfBackpacker.com . In this article we are going to take you through the Places to Visit in Gokarna if you are making a trip down there. Gokarna is a town in Karnataka state near...

Top 7 Underrated Tourist Attractions in Kolkata (Calcutta)

Underrated Tourist Attractions in Kolkata: Kolkata is a city full of emotions, culture, and art. The capital of the West Bengal state hosts tourists worldwide with an open heart. It is the third most populated city in India. The travelers who visit fall in...

Best Places to Visit In Dehradun, Time to Visit & Budget Plan

Dehradun is the capital of Uttarakhand, A small state in the north of India. It is small city compared to the big cities like Delhi and Mumbai, But is a famous place to visit for many who want to explore the dev bhumi (land...

Best Beaches to Visit in North GOA – A Quick Overview

Best Beaches to Visit in North GOA : Most Indians prefer having their vacations especially the Bachelorette'sspinster's parties in GOA. Do you guys really know why GOA is such a happening place in INDIA. Here's why :: Its budget friendly. People really enjoy the beaches. ...




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